This is the story of Collie
& Smarty
Because these two do just about everything together I reckon we will cover
them together. They play, eat, sleep together and follow each other every where
together. They are like one. Collie though suffers from Epilepsy which is a
bind, but otherwise she is a complete lovable that loves cuddles and play.
Smarty follows Deb everywhere when inside or night time, otherwise he follows
Collie so he can play. He also loves cuddles but gets distracted very easily by
Collie. There is no pet toy made that is Smarty Collie proof. A few minutes and
its in pieces. These two love to tug and war, in fact their whole lives is play
tug and war with each other using Coke bottles. The yard in fact is strewn with
bottles, ready compressed. As soon as we put down an empty bottle Smarty grabs
it and is off to the yard with Collie in pursuit.
Collie with her bottle teasing Smarty. She normally
ends up with the bottle and Smarty has to try and get hold of it so that
they can play their tug and war. |
Here we have Smarty who has one mad fault. He spends
his bored or exited times chasing his tail. It drives me batty when he
does this in the house. |