Shez First Litter
It is the 10 th April 2003 at 3 AM in the morning.
Shez keeps wanting to be let outside for toilet but each time nothing happens
and she comes back inside. She is very restless and wont keep still nor did she
eat her food earlier. I go to sleep for what seems like 1 minute I wake up to
the sound of a pup crying. Half asleep I look at her and think well I will check
she is ok and go back to bed. I check her out on the other side of the bed and
she seems OK. Then I notice a dead pup in the bean bag on my side of the bed and
when I go back to where she is there is another pup dead against the bed still
in its sack. This is disaster.
She starts to have another pup, but she cant pass it
out. I help her with her pup but it is born dead. We try resuscitation
but it does not work, except for liquid comes out its nose. The 4th Pup
comes and she manages it on her own. Now she has more contractions, about 4
minutes pass and then another Pup arrives half way. I check the pup can breath
by putting my finger in its mouth and when it starts to move its mouth I then
grab hold of it and pull it out of her and give it to her. Shortly after another
pup half way she needs help with. I break the skin stopping it from breathing
and pull it out with difficulty. With help she finally ends up with 3 pups. We
are upset we lost 3 of them but at least we still got 3. The 3 that died where
very large compared to the others.
After cleaning up we reckon there is at least 2 to
go, but half an hour passes and nothing so we presume that's it. She decides she
wants to go outside, so I let her out. She tries to poop but cant, then I notice
a pup hanging out of her. I check its mouth is free, this one is so still, no
movement, I pull the pup out and it pops out with a whoosh of liquid. I take it
inside, call her to follow and put it down with the others. It still is not
moving so I prod it and it gives a sign of life. She cleans it and it does what
pups do, goes for food. Suddenly without warning pops a pup out, all on
her little own. I clean up again and put them all together. We now have 5 little
babies. They are so small and so cute.
Now a new problem. She wont stay with them. She
feeds them then takes a break for far too long. I force her back but soon after
she is off again. After no night sleep I decide to put them in a shoe box and
take them to bed with me. They go all content and quiet and we get at least 4
hours sleep, then I give them back to her. She is pleased to see them and
does what mums do. At least she knows what to do, that is a surprise after all,
her whole life is a ball, eating and car rides, could not imagine her a
Now since her pups she wont eat and is still
dropping far too much blood. She has not eaten last night.
It is Day 2. She still does not eat, but got some
food into her after it was cooked and she had dry. She is looking after the pups
much better now. Does not abandon them for long periods. They are looking good
so feeding ok,
Day three is Saturday and she is still not wanting
to eat. Took her to the Vet and she got a injection to stop the bleeding and a
shot of antibiotics with tablets. By afternoon I got some puppy dry food
into her and she ate some of the chicken mince. This evening I gave her the same
with some milk mixed in and she ate better. She is still bleeding allot.
Hopefully it will stop by tomorrow or she will need x-ray Monday.
As I am writing the Sam story Shez has arrived under
the table, the pups are screaming and wow she just went back to them. She is
still panting and bleeding which is a worry.
Another day Sunday now and Shez still will not eat.
We get some food into her but she nibbles a bit and then stops, not enough for
herself or growing pups. Still bleeding heavy but a bit of improvement. Well
Surprise, it is 10 pm and she is getting appetite back. Ignored the pups for a
few hours, in fact she got up on the bed to check them as they crying, made a
mess on the bed again, we got no bedding left she has messed it all now. She
came here to the computer room under the table. We put the pups in a bigger shoe
box cause they now too big for the first one and they went to sleep.
She went back to them now after her long break, well
she made a fuss telling us she wanted them. She is driving us crazy.
Monday 14 April 2003 and She is looking much better
and getting her appetite back. The bleeding has almost stopped, she is even more
possessive of the pups and wont leave them. There is one real complainer pup
that cries all hell for everything and its one real big fatty. They are growing
real fast. What a performance to get her to leave them to even go toilet.
Every time she goes outside she crawls into her dugout for a few minutes then
goes toilet or back in to the pups.
Wednesday 16/4/03 Shez is just about back to normal.
Asking for food, eating well, no more bleeding that I have noticed. She is also
frisky and playful and asked Debby to put the pups in a box so she can have a
break. She kept on whining and going to the shoe box till Deb put them in then
when the pups went to sleep which they do pretty quick in the box, she was happy
and then she went outside to Sam to play. The big shoe box is now too small so
will get a banana box. Friday 19/4/03 The
pups are growing so fast it is amazing. Got a large foam box for them now and
when they hungry they climb out and find mum. She does not seem to feed them as often
as I think she should and spends most her time away from them. 