The updated TRAVEL WITH PETS is now at
AWVP Travel with pets in Australia. Sheba Ben Shez and Sam Life Story , Our travels with Pets and Pictures of places and pets
[ Sheba Story ] [ Ben Story ] [ Shez Story ] [ Sam Story ] [ Collie & Smarty Story ] [ The Farm ] [ Pet Pics ] [ Vetinary info ] [ Pet Links ] [ Links ] [ Travel ] |
Travel with Pets for Vetinary information from the vet. Veterinary medical. Veterinary advice. Puppy Whelping.
DEDICATED TO SHEBA AND BEN THE SHEBA LIFE STORY She was a German Shepherd with human intelligence and loved to travel, swim in the sea or rivers. Before she died I took her once more to all our favorite spots in the north of WA. She had a great time and it was hard to accept that she was soon going to die as she seemed so strong. She died two weeks after we returned (from Breast Cancer). Since she died I don't go out much any longer as the two I now have are simply German Shepherds who don't care whether or not we go traveling. I did not realize while I had her how much Sheba and I loved the same things and how all the plans I made for outback travel adventure included her love for adventure as was mine and the good company she was. In dedication to her this is SHEBA'S site and we will cover our outback travel in the North and South of Western Australia of all our favorite places we used to go. For a 4WD enthusiast or adventure lover there is good information and pictures of our outback. There is also a dedicated pet section with medical information, Stories of pets, Pictures, Pet links, The Sheba Story. These pages are copyright. Click Here for details. |
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For Multimedia and Streaming Audio and video Web site design Covers the deep North of Western Australia and Adelaide SA Covers Western Australia's Rivers & Coast AWVP Slide Shows and Video's of Western Australia and Animals Adelaide SA wedding Video and streaming web & Corporate media Australian Pet Classified Ads for Pet advertising World Worldwide Australian site ring for German Shepherd dogs Wordwide |
The German Shepherd Site Ring
Travel With Pets in Australia Travel with pets in Australia by AWVP is Dedicated to German Shepherds Sheba Ben Shez. Sam Travel with pets has Vet or Vetinary & medical help, pet stories, Puppy whelping, The Sheba story, the Ben story, the Shez story, pictures or photos of pets and places with descriptions of our travels & Slide shows |
COPYRIGHT (C) 2000 UPDATED Thursday, February 01, 2007
Designed by [ AWVP ] AW Video Productions Affiliation with [ WAM ] Western Australia Multimedia